With Seasonal Affective Disorder coming to an end, the spring season calls for brighter colors, happier moods, and $2 Absolute Rainbow Punch from Applebee’s.
Our :15 second TV spot aired right at the peak of Spring to let everyone know
that this month’s drink was going to liven up those tastebuds.
To celebrate the release of the drink, we created a full instagram takeover bringing Spring to our feed. We asked our fans to find the Rainbow Flower hidden within our new grid.
The first 50 people to find it and DM us a snapshot of the flower were rewarded with an Applebee’s Gift Card. Can you find the Rainbow Flower?
BONUS - Applebee’s has a die-hard fan base and just as many devoted haters.
This comment is one of my favorite pieces of feedback I’ve ever seen about my work.
Agency: Grey
Role: Art Director, Designer - I worked on this idea from concept to completion, ideating the idea, working on production through post production and editing.
Made With: Lance Parrish (ECD), Ryan McCarthy (CD/Copy), Brian Mekjian (CD/Art), Grady Linnihan (Copywriter), MacGuffin Films (New York)